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Creative Writing Piece

Joy in life
Live in harmony
Love one another
Do not judge others
Let go of the past
Enjoy each and every moment you have here on earth
Be grateful of all the little things we sometimes take for granted
Share a smile it can brighten someone's sad day
The sky is so lovely this morning
The birds chirping send happiness to my soul
Breathing in the air is life recharging my soul
My pets are so funny
Peanut loves getting Niko's treat
He is quick to eat his and runs to get Niko's
I love my doggies
We are almost into the true holiday season
I love when the radio starts playing Christmas music
Although it never feels like Christmas here in Florida
I miss the snow
The change in seasons
Each year it's like 80 degrees during Christmas
Makes me homesick
I wish it got cold during the holiday
I love Thanksgiving Day
Great food, laughter, enjoying family time
I love my kids
Miss them
Trying to make sense of what doesn't make sense is truly hard to do
When you try to analyze it you really don't understand how all this is happening
One day at a time I tell myself
Let go and let God
I release what I can't change into the Divine and know He will take care of it all
I am blessed, I am loved, I am grateful. I am joyful, I am happy and most importantly
I am light
Shining bright into this world.
I spread my awareness to others so that they to can shift from negative thinking patterns and realize that they have the power to be happy
They have the power to change their way of thinking
I am empowered and help others reach that in their own life
Those are my thoughts for todayOriginally written on 10/13/13 
©2019 Nanncie Santana Enterprises LLC  | All Rights Reserved |


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