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When Angels Are Near

Finding feathers on your path is one of the more commonly known signs of the angels. Feathers of any color are a beautiful reminder that your angels are near, loving and supporting you from behind the scenes. When you find feathers in a place which is somewhat abnormal is an especially powerful angelic sign. When you find white feathers they’re almost always a sign from your angel… Even when you’re in a place where white birds are present.

Guidance from the angels also comes more subtly. Angels are constantly drawing our attention towards signs, and they leave clues and hints which serve to nudge us in the right direction. While many of these angel signs may seem small at first, when focused on, acknowledged and appreciated, they often increase in frequency and size.

Angel signs are all around and can come in a variety of ways depending on your current challenges, next steps, or the questions you've asked. Your angels know you, and so they know which signs will capture your attention, contain personal meaning, or best guide your next steps........

Angels are always near, and any sign from these powerful spiritual beings, however small it may be, is a beautiful and symbolic reminder of their love and support

Have you ever noticed a lovely sweet scent and been unable to identify the source? This very well may be a sign from your angels! Angels often love to make their presence known through the power of scent. You may notice your Guardian Angels presence through a lovely rich and chocolatey smell, or the nearness of Archangels through the sweet subtle scent of flowers. Scent is a commonly used sign from your ancestors or loved ones who have crossed over as well… Do you smell your grandmothers perfume and sense her near? Odds are very high that her spirit is right there with you. Do you smell something awful? This is NOT a sign from your angels! In my experience the scents angels broadcast are always completely divine.
One of the most obvious of angel signs through the clouds, is a cloud which looks like an angel. Your angels may also drawn your awareness towards clouds that look like hearts, as well as many other shapes and symbols to offer .
Rainbows are a common symbol of Divine love. When you ask for angelic assistance and shortly after see a rainbow, know your prayers have been heard and are being answered. If you’ve been thinking about your angels, or asked for a sign, and you notice a rainbow, it’s likely your angels confirming they are with you. A rainbow orb around the moon, a double rainbow, or a rainbow appearing when it hasn’t even been raining, are extra spectacular signs from your angels bringing encouragement, and validation from the heavens.

Babies and Pets
Babies and animals have not yet taken on many of the filters which can block people’s ability to clearly see the angels. Have you ever noticed a baby looking up smiling at the ceiling, or excitedly gazing into the air, or at a blank spot on the wall? Or perhaps your pets’ focus is entirely captured by something you seem unable to see… Chances are they’re looking right at an angel! In the presence of angels babies, small children, and animals will be at ease, comforted… and excited.

I have met several people whose first experience of the angels was when they started to hear angelic singing originating from outside the physical world. Angels may also communicate with you through recurring songs you hear on the radio. Or by causing you to hear a series of songs, all with a very similar theme. Angels are often sending messages through music, whether it is through a song which just starts playing in your mind, hearing peaceful tranquil music when meditating, or continuing to hear a certain song on the radio… Pay attention to this guidance through music which can often be a clear sign from your angels.

Finding coins, or currency in general, is a common sign of guidance and support from the realms of spirit. If you find a coin on your path, or perhaps someone gives you a coin, pay attention! Does the date on the coin hold any meaning for you? Have you asked for financial help from your angels? What were you thinking about right before you noticed the coin? This very well may be a sign from your angels, or from a loved one… When you find a coin know that it was deliberately placed on your path, and is a symbol illustrating you’re loved, supported and guided.

For more signs......visit this resource site HERE
**Resource:  Ask


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