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Check Light Indicator

On Wednesday evening on my drive home from work, my check engine light indicator came on. The car itself was driving perfectly fine. I arrived home and told my dad about it and he said he would look at it in the morning. Next morning, I went to the car and the light was still on.  I called the car dealership to take the car in on Friday (my day off) they asked if I had put gas in the car and I said a few days ago I had. So I made the appointment for Friday morning at 8:30 AM.  I had to cancel my training session. I also had to cancel a class I was schedule to take as well.
This morning as I drove on I-75 to the dealership, I was a little tired. I also realized I am so grateful I do not have to drive on I-75 in the morning rush hour. I arrived to Coconut Ford and told the service guy, I had an appointment and the whole story. As Dylan the service guy I had the appointment with comes over and we begin to talk about the situation. When he turned the car on, the light was gone. Yes, I had just drove 40 minutes at early morning rush traffic and the light was gone. We talk about where I had filled up my car and I told him. He stated the gas may not have been a good quality gas. I  was like wow this long drive for nothing. BUT I stopped myself because on the drive up. My higher self was communicated to me that everything happens for a reason. Everything works for my highest and best good. I truly do believe this.....yes maybe I should have waited a few more days but when the light indicator was my car's way of communicating to me it needed service. Which brings me to the reflection on how our soul clearly sends us "light indicators" when we need to stop and become aware of the soul healing that is needed. It is so important to take action and listen to your higher self softly speaking to you. The next reflection I received from my higher self was the fact that not all gas stations are authentic and have good quality gas. Same thing goes with whom we open our beings too to received healing and guidance. This was confirm to me by my guides. Energy doesn't lie. You know you've experience this when you have meet someone or been in a room and it doesn't feel right. This is your soul's light indicator coming on to communicate with you. Your soul's speaking. It's so important to trust your intuition on these situations. Everything happens for guidance and reflection. I welcomed it. My hope is that you will become fully aware of your own souls light indicator and that you follow your higher self's guidance. When you seek out practitioners to do energy work or to give you guidance be sure you take a moment to ask your soul to confirm to you this is the right practitioner for you. Your soul will confirm it to you.
As a wellness practitioner,  I personally follow a ritual of clearing and cleansing my energy field. I also make it a point to do the same where I work. It is so important.
Thank you for stopping by and reading this blog post. I would love to hear from you (comment below) about your stories in this area and if it has happen to you?

Have a blessed day.
Sat Nam 


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