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Showing posts from 2016

I Believe

I believe the world is as we choose to view it. Simple as that. Our happiness is, in the end, up to us, and to no one else.      Susan Fletcher

4 Simple Steps to Set Your New Moon Intentions

Tonight is the New Moon begin creating a ritual by taking 10 to 20 minutes or longer to practice these 4 simple steps to create your intentions. Step 1 - Create a special sacred space for your ritual or practice. It doesn't have to be elaborate. You can do this indoors or outdoors whatever you prefer. Grab your crystals, pen, journal, a candle, some sage, and some meditative music. This sets the tone for a sacred special space for you to BE. Step 2 - Reflect on any intentions you may have had last month. If you didn't set any intentions last month. Take some type maybe the length of a song on your playlist and reflect on the intentions you wish to manifest on this New Moon. Step 3 - Create intentions for this coming month. Breathe in and Breathe out. Feel yourself connect with your inner BEing and Higher Self. Allow your intentions to bubble up from deep within your inner being. FEEL them. and begin to write them in journal. I always label the page with New Moon and the date....

Quote of the Day

Once you choose hope, anything is possible. Christopher Reeve

Good Vibes Good Signs

For the last few months, I have received so many signs from the Angels.  If there is something I embrace with open arms are the good vibes that these signs bring me. Angels can send different signs. I often share these signs.   Here are a few signs: Coins Butterflies Repetitive Numbers Heart Shape Clouds Lyrics in Music Encourage/Inspiring  Words from someone Scents  Rainbows Sparkles of Light Signs or Advertisements Voices Feathers Lately the Angels have been sending me many feathers. I began putting them on a post-a-note and dating each feather I receive. Today, I decided to put these sacred feathers in a special place. I purchased this cute little box with the wording "Good Vibes Good Lives" - this box is the home of all my feathers.  Once inside the box, the proper spot is on my Angel altar. My altar is "My Piece of Heaven"  I have a story to share about this with you as to why I felt this was the place for my feathers.  I have 25 feathers i...

For a Purpose

I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we're all teachers - if we're willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door. Marla Gibbs For a purpose. When I was 14 years old, I clearly remember that the events I was going through in my life made me thing "There has to be a purpose in my life to have experience what I was experiencing at the time" I didn't understand it but deep within my BE~ing ~ my soul was preparing me for many more experiences that I would have to face. I wondered why I was born to go through what I was going wasn't until I had my awakening. It all made sense. I choose my parents. I came here for a divine purpose. I came here to learn through all the lessons that I have been through and am continuing to go through for a bi...

Rising Up & Facing Adversity

Being a Mother has been the most rewarding beautiful experience I have had in my life. But at the same time it's been the most challenging experience of my life too. On Tuesday under the Full Moon I did my ritual to release anything that was not servicing my life. I took a deep look within and found I had a challenge the ego wanted me to hold on to the fear of the "when" things would get better between my estranged twins. The fear was the answer to the when. On Tuesday I faced that adversity in the face. It is hard to talk about this subject and the ego knew that....but I had to rise up and say I let go and let God to take this heavy load off my shoulders. I release this fear, judgement, guilt etc because it does not serve my mission my purpose my life. I will always be their mother. I will always love my children with all my heart. But I will not let the ego keep me from my destiny. The gift has been learning from this lesson. The challenge has been the storm. I rea...

Not Afraid to Shine

In order to awaken the world to the LIGHT, I must not be afraid to SHINE. This month has been a time of truly asking the Divine for signs along with allowing Spirit to speak to me through these signs. It's been a month of trusting the guidance from my Angels. As I write this I know with all my being that I must share this with you. The world needs us to shine. The world needs us to BE light. The world needs us to show up without fear. I am a spiritual intuitive teacher. I have been sent here to help others choose LOVE over fear. By choosing love you release the fear. By not being afraid of showing up and/or shining you give others hope to BE authentic. When we are authentic others feel this amazing vibration of light and love. I am not afraid of BEing my true authentic self. When I decided to BE true to my inner desired to BE to live authentic something amazing happened. The Divine-God began working in me and through me. For I am here to serve. To BE of service. I am here to t...

5 Simple Vision Board Ideas

5 Vision Board Ideas After watching the movie The Secret  along with reading the book The Secret and other Law of Attraction books by well known authors that participated in the movie. I have been creating vision boards every year. Sometimes I create a special theme vision board. There are many ways to get creative when it comes to vision boards. I would like to share 5 simple  ideas with you so that you can begin to manifest the life you want. The first vision board idea I would like to share with you is the original vision board tool. Purchase a poster board, grab old magazines, scissors, glue, and markers.  The second vision board idea is making a collage of photos that inspire you, motivate you, express your vision and put them on a moose pad or a mug.  The third vision board idea is using the same collage and use it as your computer screen. The fourth vision board idea is putting a positive affirmation with this images as your photo screen sav...

I Belong

I was guided to write this blog post today. "I belong" comes from the space within me in which I felt I didn't belong. There was a period in my life in which I looked at my life and felt I didn't belong. I felt alone. I felt lost. I felt like an outsider looking into a window. I felt as if no one understood the space I was in nor could I explain it to them. I felt as if I didn't belong. It took an awakening within my soul. A shift. An awakening in which my soul whispered to me and said you belong. I had spend my entire life trying to belong in a way that was not my authentic to my inner being. I was trying to please everyone else but myself. It wasn't until I listened to my inner voice that said "I belong" ~ I belong to the God of this amazing Universe. I AM one with the Creator. As I belong to the Divine. I began working on that relationship with the Divine. I began listening to the my guidance that came from within me. I began to choose love for...

I Want To See You Be Brave

I want to see you be brave. I want to see you live life fully. I want to see you be brave. I want to see you create the happiness you deserve. I want to see you be brave. I want to see you speak kindly. I want to see you be brave. I want to see you hug life daily by embracing it fully. I want to see you be brave. I want to see you smile often. I want to see you be brave. I want to see you hope more. I want to see you be brave. I want to see you laugh freely. I want to see you be brave. I want to see you seek your truth. I want to see you be brave. I want to see you inspire the change you wish to see. I want to see you be brave. I want to see you LOVE deeply. I want to see you be brave. Nanncie Santana

It happens on Monday.

The powerful Full Moon in Sagittarius which is the second one in a row happens on Monday - June 20th at 7:02 AM  in the Eastern Time Zone which is where I am located in Southwest Florida. This is also happening hours before Summer Solstice. Since I am not in New Mexico attending Kundalini Summer Solstice/White Tantric Yoga week. Today I decided to attend a fellow Kundalini Yoga sista's class.  ​I have been following some awesome fellow  Astrologers and the message is clear. It's time to truly look within to look at what you were doing in 2012 and it's time to break those unhealthy patterns with relationships. The veil is being lifted. It is very important to maintain your energy vibrating in the highest energy of LOVE. Because I know how important it is for my vibrational energy to be in alignment   with what is for my highest good. I am setting my intentions and I began today with an awesome Kundalini Yoga class to get my week to the right start......

3 Simple Steps for Self Love

I want to share "3 Simple Steps for Self-Love" that I have personally used to empower, heal, and truly discover the meaning of Self-Love. The first step is  awareness.  Begin by being completely aware of your thoughts. Thoughts that clearly are meant to self sabotage yourself. When we become aware of these thoughts we begin to be mindful of negative thought patterns that do not serve you or your well-being. The second is  forgiveness . This is a tough one because I am asking you to forgive yourself. The key to self-love is to truly become aware of all the junk that isn't serving your personal growth. We can be our own worse critic. We can find it extremely hard to forgive our own self. When we don't forgive ourselves for our shortcomings we remain stagnant. When we remain stagnant we are unable to see the beauty within our soul. The third step is  gratitude.  The third step is so easy to put into practice once we forgive ourselves. When we free ourselves from...

Awakening to the Twin Flame Journey

I have been on the spiritual awakening path for about 9 years. During which events that have happen in my life clearly have shown me the way to my life's purpose. About 7 years, I have been on the Twin Flame Journey. An awakening in me that would reveal some False Twin Flame relationships to me. Some Soul Mate relationships to me. All served their purpose in my life. There has been this feeling of missing a part of me. I've been on a journey in which I've learned how completely love my BEing. I've empowered myself. I have awaken spiritually over the years. I continue to get signs from the Universe on this path to reunite with my Twin Flame. I know the Twin Flame relationships is to lift the vibration of love. When I began this path there have been many signs that I will share with you as I begin my video blog sharing my journey. As I come out and begin to share my Twin Flame Journey.  My first video has been posted on my YouTube channel ------> My  Twin Flame  J...

Love Conquers All

Love conquers all. I heard this growing up in sermons a lot. Yet during my darkest life lessons, I often wondered "does love really conquer all" because I was loving someone so much to the point. I neglected my own well-being to please another for love. I also heard the phrase "pray that God will change him" yet it wasn't until I began seeking answers to this phrase that I was enlightened. God gives us free will. God will not and can not change a person that doesn't seek change. So it doesn't matter how much you pray for someone. IF that person doesn't realize he/she has a problem and wants to change it will not happen. So I did two important things for ME.  Love does conquer all. I began to LOVE myself. I began to honor my BE~ing.  That was the first thing I did for myself, I looked in the mirror and began to listen to my soul. My soul was crying for change. I listened to my soul. I began praying to God to "Change Me"  my soul began get...

A Mother's Pride

Today as I sit here relaxing on this day May 8, 2016 celebrating Mother's Day just BEing. I reflect on memories shared with my children. I am grateful for all three of my children (Benny, Ashley, and Junior) and I wish them best in this world. Today, I share the photo I took with my oldest son on Friday May 6, 2016, so proud of his accomplishments. That is "A Mother's Pride" to see your children happy, healthy, and reaching for their own goals in life. My oldest son graduated from FSW with his Associates in Arts.  As you can see with the smile on my face. I was very proud of him. Happy that I was able to share his moment. I pray that Ashley and Junior will reach their own goals. I want what's best for my kids. I want them to know that they are more than capable of reaching their dreams. It's been four years since I've heard from them on special occasions and I was about to say that's okay but it's not okay. It's not okay to alienate your mot...

My Experience at White Tantric Yoga

It must have been sometime in September of 2015 in which I attended my first Kundalini Yoga class in Bonita Springs, Florida.  Funny thing was that back on June 10, 2012, I had written Kundalini Yoga in a note on my iPhone.  That was the first time I had heard about it by one of my mentors Gabby Bernstein. I remember I wrote it down because I had never heard about that yoga before. To be perfectly honest, I had tried yoga prior to 2012, and never liked it. Now I know it wasn't time for me in 2012, as I was still in the awakening process. So fast forward to September 2015, Kundalini Yoga once again was brought to my awareness. This time I took action and began searching for a location that offered it.  I was overwhelm with happiness when I found it was taught 45 minutes away. I was even more happy that there was a class on Tuesday mornings. I was overjoyed that I could attend this class before work. So off I went to my first Kundalini Yoga class. Granted like I said...

5 Signs that your Soul is Spiritually Awakening

When it's time for the soul to heal.  Your inner being will do whatever it takes for YOU to become aware. Nanncie Santana  5 signs your soul is asking for healing on the path towards a spiritual awakening.  I experience all of these signs. At the time, I wasn't aware what was happening to me until I began searching for answers.   Sign # 1 Change in sleep patterns, awaking up two to three times during the night.  This would happen so often to me. I would wake up at the same time in the middle of the morning hours like 2am, 3am, and 4am. I would be awake. I would fall back to sleep and wake up an hour or two later. I learned to live with this and didn't understand what was happening until I began learning about the signs of a spiritual awakening. Sign # 2 A feeling that you are somehow different. Have you ever been in a room with a group of people and felt different. Like if you are looking from the outside in. The need to find yourself and you...


I was featured on Southwest Institute of Healing Arts blog. I am a graduate and they asked for me to share a little about my business. I am honor to share this post with you.   HERE

A Mother's Story

As this week began, I received some news that left me shocked, heartbroken, and more determined than ever to share my story and bring awareness to things that are kept in the dark by many.                                                          My Story. I am a mother of three children (pictured above) my oldest son is now 25 years old going on 26 years old and my twins are 18 years old going on 19 years old.  For the last four years since 2012, my twins were alienated from me. They were brainwashed, controlled, and manipulated  because after 15 years in which I was being physically, emotionally, and verbally abused along with being threatened in this distributive marriage.   I lived with a man that was a narcissist and when I left everything was done in their (my ex's family) power to control the situation with...

Adding Feng Shui to my Space.

As many of you know I love working with crystals, sage, candles,and Angels.  Last week prior to the New Moon, I went and bought new crystals to place around the home in Feng Shui layout. This week I came across this blog post  "Feng Shui Tips to bring in Money Fast."  I decided to take some of the tips and put them into action in my space.  ​The photo above is the money corner of my space. I added some personal touches to my corner. In the blog post above I took 8 river stones and painted them gold. I also added the crystals that attract prosperity and abundance. I added some abundance hearts (tip I got from  "How to Create Your Own Abundance Hearts."  )  I also placed a bamboo money tree. I love the energy the space has "Our Love Grows Day By Day" a reminder that it's all about Love & Gratitude.  Closer look at the Money Bowl I also added Abundance Hearts to my wallet and on my Angel altars. The next tip I got was online on YouTube....