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Adding Feng Shui to my Space.

As many of you know I love working with crystals, sage, candles,and Angels.  Last week prior to the New Moon, I went and bought new crystals to place around the home in Feng Shui layout. This week I came across this blog post "Feng Shui Tips to bring in Money Fast." I decided to take some of the tips and put them into action in my space. 
​The photo above is the money corner of my space. I added some personal touches to my corner. In the blog post above I took 8 river stones and painted them gold. I also added the crystals that attract prosperity and abundance. I added some abundance hearts (tip I got from "How to Create Your Own Abundance Hearts." )  I also placed a bamboo money tree. I love the energy the space has "Our Love Grows Day By Day" a reminder that it's all about Love & Gratitude. 
Closer look at the Money Bowl
I also added Abundance Hearts to my wallet and on my Angel altars.
The next tip I got was online on YouTube. The tip suggested that our door enter way is also a space for abundance. So I added my own signature money jar with an affirmation on it "Money comes easily and effortlessly" the intention is as I walk out of my home I am in that mental mindset to attract abundance and prosperity into my life. When I arrive home any tips that I have received from work. I put them inside this money jar and I repeat an affirmation "It is safe for you to multiply"  as I follow this ritual my mindset and heart is in complete gratitude with light and love.
Closer look at my Money Jar
Last tip I want to share with you. I create a very special infinity money & love crystal grid. I used citrine, rose quartz, clear quartz, jet, and some other money attracting crystals.  I create this special grid last night as my crystals arrived that I had ordered from Healing Crystals - they had a Valentine's Day promo and I received a free heart shape rose quartz crystal. I placed that crystal in the love & relationship corner of the home.  
Closer look at my love & abundance grid
Hope these tips come in handy. On a personal note, I have been working with my energy for the last four years and find that practicing this rituals keep me in tip top vibration. Along with prayer & meditation. A constant practice of complete gratitude. 
When you begin to protect your energy - you will not allow anything or anyone break that sacred vibration that you have with the Divine. 
Sending you so much light and love wrapped in Angel Blessings.
Be Blessed.


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