The Secret of Life
Today is Summer Solstice. The first day of Summer. Here in Southwest Florida, it was close to 97 degrees. It's Friday, my day off, but my day was busy with errands. Went to my dad's eye doctor's appointment. We went to the car dealership to get his car washed. Stop and ate at First Watch Cafe (love this place) afterwards we stopped at Lowe's and ALDI.
Arrive home at 1:30 PM and I was off to take care of my personal errands. Officially changed the name of my business accounts. My given birth name is spelled Nancy but I am legally changing it to Nanncie. Why you may ask, as one of the bank personnel did ask me this...the vibration of Nanncie adds up to a fortunate number in numerology whereas the spelling Nancy did not. Still pronounce the same just the spelling is changing. I began with my LLC amendment. Energetically I feel a shift.
I did my meditation. Connecting to my mind, body, and spirit. I spend some time with Mother Earth outdoors. Sending love and gratitude for the blessing of seasons. I sent some energy healing. I sent some love and peace to the world. Grounded myself. As I meditated, feeling energy flow within my being. The vibration of light flowing in through my crown chakra and running through all of my energy centers. I am grounded. I receive healing energy. I am receiving light portals. I sit in meditation for half hour and as I return to my sacred space. I hear the secret of life. I am reminded of this song by Ana Laura "Completely" - it's from the movie "Facing the Giants", so I look it up and listen to it. Listening to the guidance from my higher self. And as the first two lines of the song begin the lyrics resonate "The Secret of Life is Letting Go. The Secret of Love is Letting it Show"
There are many times in our life we are going through experiences that are challenging. We are facing our own giants. The chatter that keeps us from surrendering and letting go. But when we allow ourselves to completely surrender to a power higher than our own. We find the secret of life. The secret of life is allowing the Creator of this AmAzing Universe to guide us on our experiences. Surrender everything to a power higher than your own. As I finished my meditation, I spend time listening to some of my favorite Kundalini Mantras. And as I came back to my sacred space becoming conscious of my surroundings those words secret of life came to my awareness. As I welcome Summer Solstice, I continue to surrender to the Divine completely mind, body and soul. I have seen how the Divine has provided guidance on this journey. There has been healing, forgiveness, and expansion. The secret of life is truly in letting go and surrendering. It is such a beautiful experience when you can live your life in this vibration. When you can shift your vibration in this matter the secret of love becomes so simple. You are able to show it in everything you say and do. You are able to BE an expression of that loving energy. As you raise your vibration, you will be able to live your life with so much ease. You will face experiences with clarity. My prayer is that you can find comfort in completely surrendering to a power higher than your own when you are facing your giants. That you seek resolution in knowing you can overcome anything you are faced with my loves. My intention in sharing these words with you is solely for the purpose to assist you on your journey. You can live your best life right now. Happy. Healthy. I am sending you all my love and light.
Sat Nam
Happy Summer Solstice 2019
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