On June 2011, I created a community Facebook page to help others code with toxic relationships.
The month of June 2019 marks 8 years that I have been managing the page that I create in 2011. When I look at the years pasted, I would have never thought this page would have reached over 8,000 followers.
My heart is filled with gratitude to help in any small way I can and hoping that my goal is to form a non-profit organization so that I may reach and help in more ways than just making my presence on Facebook.
So many have shared their stories.
I share valuable resources links below
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Overcoming Verbal Abuse was born on Jun 29, 2011 by me.
At first I kept my identity from this page because I was still living with the person that was abusive to me. In April it will be 2 years that I have broken the silence. There have been heartaches along the way because as you all know when the abuser can't get to you personally he/she will use anything/anyone to get at you. This has happened by way of my children ~ I never in my life heard of #ParentalAlienation......and although my heart aches ~ I know that MY LOVE for my twins will NOT be any less because they have chosen to alienate me.
The best part of being out of an abusive relationship is that you learn to LOVE yourself too, you don't have to worry if what you say, what you wear, what you do will make that person mad, angry, explode to a rage.
My life is far from perfect. But my mind & soul is much happier now that I am NOT being abused.
What I am trying to say to all of you....GET OUT of that relationship! Speak UP! Break the Silence.
I appreciate all of you support and towards this page!
#SmileItMakesYourEnemiesMa d
Overcoming Verbal Abuse was born on Jun 29, 2011 by me.
At first I kept my identity from this page because I was still living with the person that was abusive to me. In April it will be 2 years that I have broken the silence. There have been heartaches along the way because as you all know when the abuser can't get to you personally he/she will use anything/anyone to get at you. This has happened by way of my children ~ I never in my life heard of #ParentalAlienation......and although my heart aches ~ I know that MY LOVE for my twins will NOT be any less because they have chosen to alienate me.
The best part of being out of an abusive relationship is that you learn to LOVE yourself too, you don't have to worry if what you say, what you wear, what you do will make that person mad, angry, explode to a rage.
My life is far from perfect. But my mind & soul is much happier now that I am NOT being abused.
What I am trying to say to all of you....GET OUT of that relationship! Speak UP! Break the Silence.
I appreciate all of you support and towards this page!
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