Have you ever asked someone how they are doing? Have you ever asked someone how things were going? Have you ever stopped to really listen to what comes out of their mouth? I know first hand that life can be hard. Things we go through can tear us up into pieces.
Have you ever examine what's coming out of your mouth? Do we complain about anything and everything.
Just some food for thought....instead of complaining about the issue...be thankful that whatever it is your facing will make you stronger and wiser. Remember whatever your going through....is nothing compare to what someone else might be going through.....replace complaining with a brighter outlook on the situation. I know it can be hard. But remember God knows we can handle whatever it is your facing.
And I know that if the complaining stops....you will Change Your Life! Why? Because complaining is just another form of being negative. Thinking negative. Therefore if we replace complaining with a positive view...it will change things into positive outcomes.
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