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The Secret Key to Manifesting

Earlier this year, I was excited because it was announced that Marc Anthony was coming to Hertz Arena. One of my cousins had told me that Marc Anthony's concerts are amazing. He puts on a show. So of course I wanted to go and see him. I had not gone to his concert. I had sent the link to my cousins to see if one of them or all of them wanted to go.....none replied. One day two of my friends said they wanted to go as well. So we chatted about it and said okay we will go. Things ended up not working out for them to go. I was not about to attend a concert alone so I didn't get a ticket. A few weeks another friend said his work was going to raffle tickets. I told him you are going to win, visualize it and declare it once you do remember me. I stated with affirmation. I said I am going to the Marc Anthony concert. Months went by and I can honestly say I have found the secret key to manifesting. I'll share it with you in a minute. When you begin to vibrate in alignment with your heart center everything falls into place. Miracles happen. Normally I do not work on Fridays, but on November 22, I was working as one of my co-workers was on her vacation. Besides doing my "Aligning With Heart" work, I am also a general manager at a Fitness Center. That is my grounding work. So on Friday, I am working for my co-worker. A member Lillian (whom had come to the gym on Thursday but forgot to ask me) comes in on Friday 30 minutes before I was going to close it up. She came in and asked me what was I doing on Sunday. I was like well, I have to clean house (as a Virgo - I begin to go down my list as I am thinking what do I have to do on Sunday lol) and maybe go to the stores with my dad.....she began to say that she wanted to see if I wanted to go to the Marc Anthony concert on Sunday because her brother couldn't go and she didn't wanted to go alone and I was like YES! How much is the ticket. She said nothing. I don't want it to go to waste and if I don't find someone to go with me I won't go. I was like yes I will go with you and I will drive. We agreed to meet up for dinner.  I was vibrating with the secret key. I was so happy. I was going to see Marc Anthony.  That same Friday, I was going to meet my family at Painting With A Twist for a Sister's Gathering. If you haven't read what happened there, click on Sister's Gathering to read all about how the secret key manifested into more. 
The Secret Key Revealed
Lillian came to the fitness center on Monday and we were still at a high after the amazing concert by Marc Anthony.
One of many favorite songs.

On Monday once again I told Lillian I was so grateful for the invite. She shared she had asked 5 people to go with her before me and everyone said no. I absolutely 100% know that the vibration of the secret key is what allow me to manifest this gift. I know it was a blessing from God. 
Hold the vibration of gratitude very close to your heart and see how miracles unfold in your life!
Sat Nam - Truth is my Essence 


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