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Sister's Gathering

I love Painting With A Twist - Fort Myers. My aunts came to visit the family. And they had a Sister's Gathering. We had such a wonderful evening. We painted. We sang. We dance. We laughed. And laughed some more. We painted. We made family memories that will forever be cherish in our hearts. Not all of the family could attend. But some of us made it to celebrate with the Golden Girls (my mom and her sisters) - It was on Friday and I normally am off on Fridays but this Friday I had to work. I thought I was going to get there late but I was able to leave work earlier than expected. I am a regular at PWAT and so I arrive and let them know I was there (because IF I would have gotten there late the artist was going to paint my background) but I arrived and was happy I could make it early. When I got there the owner Cynthia handed me a bottle of wine as a token of appreciation for being a regular. I was so thankful. I didn't expect it. I asked if I could get a photo.
I truly appreciated the token. Funny I had just been there on my birthday which was Sept 22nd. to paint.
If you haven't been to PWAT, I highly recommend it. 
You will have such a wonderful time.
As for my family and I we enjoyed every moment. 
Feeling so grateful and blessed.


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