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I can't sleep. Maybe it's the Full Moon energy or maybe it's the it's my soul wanting to share a truth. Have you ever trusted someone and share your truth? Never thinking they would lie. This is what happened to me. Back in 2012, I shared my truth with a person whom I trusted. I thought this person was a friend. I share my real truth. The truth that I have been sharing since 2011. It's the past. I have forgiven. I have healed. The only reason I have to remember this time in life is because it was brought to my awareness that things that I didn't say were on documents that I had signed. Lies that I never said. If you know my story you know my truth. I overcame verbal and emotional abuse. That was my truth. Yet this person went on to put lies that I never said. I never said anything about drugs or a gun or alcohol. I am not that type of person. Never was and never will be. Yet this person maybe thinking she was helping me put all kinds of lies. 
When I was thinking about what I was told. I was talking to my angels and God. I was praying. I knew I had not said those lies. I knew I didn't yet there was papers saying I said that. I thought back to 2012, and as I drove it hit me. The truth was reveal to me lie a movie playing back. I remember that day I sat at her office. She typed into the computer. I share my story. Yes, I wanted to see my kids but I would never make up lies. I told her the truth. Yet she took it upon herself to write ugly lies. I remember signing a sheet of paper. And I never got copies of those papers. I am guilty of trusting someone in authority and thinking she was a honest person. I think back to that bad. Sharing my 15 year story was tough. It was the first time, I shared it beside sharing it with my counselor at A.C.T.  I KNOW I didn't lie. I KNOW the records at ACT show the truth. Again my mistake was trusting her.
When I returned home, I messaged her and asked her how I could obtain copies of the papers I signed with her. The papers she typed up. She called me right away and asked why I needed them. I said I just needed them. I wanted to give her the opportunity to come clean. She didn't. Said she would bring me the papers. Two days later she brought me papers but not those she typed up. Just confirming that there was something hidden. I already know the truth. My higher self already revealed it me.  I am sorry it has effect many people. 
I honestly didn't know. 
All I can say is that I am truly sorry to those I hurt. I am sorry I ever trusted that person. I am sorry I never got and read those papers. Lesson is learned.
IMPORTANT - if you ever sign documents make sure you get them and read through them. Don't just take the person words at face value. I don't want anyone to go through what I have gone through. 
I am sharing this so we all can become more aware.
** I will not share names due to privacy.  
A.C.T. Fort Myers


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