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My Spiritual Maintenance Detox Week

My Spiritual Maintenance Detox Week  
On Wednesday July 3rd, I began a physical detox cleanse. I had done this cleanse before but this time I wanted to add an additional element. I wanted to combine a social media cleanse as well. I had done a weekend social media cleanse before on it's own.
For me what this meant was to be present. To be present with my mind, body and soul. To be present with my surroundings and those in my surroundings. I took advantage of the fact that at my day job I was going to be off beginning Thursday July 4th, and I decided to take Saturday off from holding sessions. I knew I would not be holding space (sessions) until Thursday July 11th, so I knew this would be perfect for what Spirit was telling me to do. I turned off all notifications on Tuesday night.  During my cleanse, it was important to truly receive downloads from the Universe during my meditation practice. The energy has been beautiful for tapping into your higher mind and realms since the first eclipse was the day before I bean my cleanse.  Forth of July was slept at home. Honestly, I love being home. I enjoyed the time to listen to music, read, watch Tiny Home videos on YouTube. I wrote in my journal.  Saturday was spent with my family. My uncle invited us over his home to eat. There I was among my family. I was present. 
My titi Aida and tio Mile went with my dad and I. I captured this photo of my titi Aida and I. The conversation before this picture was taken was my aunt telling me that she and my uncle were the ones that picked up my mom and I went I was released from the hospital when I was born because my dad was working. She always says you are my first niece.
It reminded me that during my teenage years I lived with my titi Aid and tio Mike in Florida before my mom moved over here. They could be my second parents.
Stillness as I watched my uncles and dad talk. Time flies my friends. Be sure to tell your love ones that you love them in the now. We are here one day and gone the next. As we grow we have to realize our parents are growing older as well. My heart is so grateful that my dad moved to Florida when he did. I know everything happens for a reason. 
My uncle and his wife have a beautiful home. I especially loved their fish tank. Colorful sea creatures.
Had to take a selfie with beautiful tank.
On my last two days, I am back at my day job. 


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