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What Awakens Us

In 2007, I had reached a point in my life that the sorrow I was living was preparing to awaken me. I was living in a verbally abusive relationship and my inner being was about to shift in a way in which I began to do the inner work. I felt confused, alone, and as if there was no one out there that understood what I was going through. I began to seek out positive books. I would love audio books because I could listen to them while I ironed and cleaned. It was my mental break from the verbal and emotional abuse. Something happened as I continue to follow mentors like Gabby Bernstein, Dr Wayne Dyer, Louise Hays, and Esther Hicks to name a few. All the pain I had endure for the last 11 years were to awaken me spiritually. Even the number resonates with what the Divine was preparing me for.....see I got married in 1996 and in 2007, I began that "awakening" process. During the next few years, my soul continue to seek answers to questions. I went through more sorrow between 2007 - 2012.....and in 2012 my soul cry out in a loud whisper that it was time to move was a flight or die feeling. I could no longer live "pretending" all was well. 
I was brought up in a Pentecostal religion in which I never felt it. I resonate with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit. But I could not resonate with people that would judge others, talk about others, think they were more holy than others. I saw a lot of hypocrites. I awoke in 2012....the Divine had something prepare for me. It is my mission to spread light and love. It is my purpose to assist those that have lost hope in love to heal and choose love. My relationship with the Divine has flourish in such a way that every single day I am grateful for the confirmation I receive. I see love. I feel love. I am love. I am one with God. That is why I become a Mind-Body Spirit Practitioner. I am a Reiki Master. Spiritual Teacher. Empowerment Lifestyle Coach. 
If you know me, you know I LOVE signs. And God and my Angels send them to me in many ways every day.
Well in 2011, I began a Facebook page Overcoming Verbal Abuse   because I wanted to share my story.  Because I felt so alone. The Divine has place me in a place in which I can give hope to those that are in those situations and help them heal. This page has grown over the years. People have share with me their stories. The other day I got an alert I had some new likes. Look at the sign.
I had reached 5,555 likes on this page. 
And the meaning resonates with my entire being. 

I trust that everything is coming to me at the perfect Divine timing. I know as I continue to grow in my spiritual journey. I will continue to be guided and trust my intuition. I shall form a foundation for Overcoming Verbal Abuse. I will write my book. I will have my wellness center. 
I am thankful for the Divine Angel Signs I receive daily.
What have you been asking God for, I invite you to think or speak this prayer/intention and release it to the hands of the Divine. Trust it is being answered.
I am sending you healing light and love wrapped in Angel Blessings.
Sat Nam


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