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Yesterday was 3/11 and the Divine sent me so many signs that I was guided to share this blog today. If you know me or follow me on Facebook  you are aware that I love signs from my Angelic Team. I receive them on a daily basis. No matter how big or small it may seem, I welcome the guidance. Recapping yesterday was March 11th (3/11) and I worked at MAX'D Out Fitness Center (my night job in which I manage the centers) we are currently short staff which means I am working Saturdays (not my normal schedule) so I had a customer (not a member) come in and purchase a protein shake (we make some delicious shakes) he left me the change for a tip which was $3.11 - well begin that it was March 11th (3/11) and my tip (grateful heart) was $3.11, I decided to look into the guidance my Angelic Team had for me. 
Angel Number 311 message - Because you're surrounded by so many wise and loving ascended masters, your energy and thoughts have been lifted to a level of instant manifestation. Keep your thoughts centered upon positive and loving topics.
It resonates with my inner being. My heart is overflowing with instant gratitude and I am thankful the Divine is always sending me signs. I also was sent these beautiful sign as well.
The number 3 resonates with me in many ways. First Spiritually it resonates with me because it symbolizes the Divine Trinity (God Father, Son,  & Holy Spirit) And yesterday I found these 3 feathers. Reminder for me it resonates the Divine connection of the Trinity. The second reason the number 3 resonates with me is because I am a mother of 3 children. I have my oldest son Benny and my twins Ashley and Junior. So 3 is my number. I am always so grateful and thankful to God and my Angels for confirming my path. Feeling very positive yesterday with all the signs...I was excited for a movie night with my dear friend Robin. We had made a girls night date to go see the movie "The Shack" and so we went and had dinner prior to the movie.
As I look at this picture capture by my friend Robin at dinner. I see the light from the Divine shining upon me. I actually hadn't seen this photo until after I got home after our evening, the movie, and all the signs I received. Which I am about to share....after seeing the movie last night there is one thing I KNOW for sure....I am here to share God's love. I know I am one with the Divine. I know I am LIGHT and LOVE. As I watched that movie it resonated with everything I try to teach about God's love....forgiving....releasing pain....releasing negativity...releasing those that hurt you.....when we do the inner work of healing our BEing that is when we live in harmony with God's grand plan for our lives. I share this because forgiving can be a tough task. I say this because I have lived this.....forgiving those that have hurt me....that have put my twins against me....forgiving myself for judging myself....allow me to cleanse and release everything that was not servicing me. As I watched the movie....I saw myself in Mac....when I had bitterness and wasn't until 2007 in which I began a healing process and began having a relationship with my God that I let go of all the limiting beliefs that kept me blocked. Blocked in a relationship of abused. Blocked in my relationship with my God of my understanding. Everything lead me to the moment that I got on my knees and cried for forgiveness.....and gave forgiveness. I love the movie The Shack and recommend it. Lastly after the movie, feeling very blessed with all the signs the Creator of this amazing Universe has given me along my personal path and my personal relationship with the ONE. Walking out of the movie theater with my friend Robin, I saw this....
Angel Number 444 message 
You are guided, protected, supported, and love by your Angels. 

My message never judge someone's path. We are not here to judge another's relationship with God. I was lost for many years. Nothing really resonated with me. All the rules and judging that went on....was NOT what my soul (heart) accepted. I know I am an old soul. I know I am an Earth Angel. I was sent to share my love and light. Everything I've been through in my makes sense to me else could I teach I begin the next phase in my life which is to become a Kundalini Yoga Teacher ...... I know everything I've been practicing up until know has changed my life, has made my relationship with the Creator of this Universe stronger than ever before. I am ONE with God. 
My prayer is that you allow yourself to have a relationship with release anger, bitterness, and anything that doesn't serve you. To allow LOVE and LIGHT to cleanse and clear where there is pain. I know that by asking this you will be changed.
Sending you light and love wrapped in Angel Blessings.
Sat Nam


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