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Choosing LOVE over Fear

Today, I was guided to write about choosing love, having a voice and most importantly releasing fear.  As I was listening to a lecture about fear. I am reminded about my journey at releasing fear.  As I looked for an image on google to share on this blog post, I came across one of my very own images in which I posted on Pinterest exactly 2 years ago. As I read the words a clear affirmation "I release any fear that holds me back from having a voice" an overwhelming feeling of gratitude fills my spirit. 
Fear kept my voice silent for many years. Fear of rejection. Fear of not doing or saying the right thing. Fear kept my voice silent for many years while I lived in a very destructive relationship.  So much has happened in the last two years since I posted this powerful affirmation. An affirmation that my soul wanted to manifest in my life. I wanted to release any blocks (limiting beliefs) that were keeping my voice (my story) from being heard (shared) and today as I share this with you my friends. Fear can be a small as stepping out and speaking your truth or as difficult as leaving a relationship that is slowly making you died inside. The decision is always yours to make, no one can make this decision for you. 
The one thing I want you to realize is this....when you decided to choose LOVE - you will feel that gut feeling that what you fear is smaller than the vibration of LOVE. You will have the courage to step out and find your voice. 
Release the fear of guilt you feel for not choosing love. That is the first obstacle you will face when you begin to truly let go of the blocks that have been keeping you from self LOVE. It's natural to feel guilt and shame when you begin this journey of letting go and forgiving yourself. It takes so much courage to release those fears (blocks) that keep you from finding your voice. The ego will try to keep limiting beliefs in your mind to keep you find truly forgiving yourself and loving yourself because when you truly choose LOVE. You want to begin with that LOVE of self. Knowing that you deserve to be happy. Knowing that you want to accomplish so much more in your life. Knowing that their is a divine purpose that you must fulfill. Fear will wants to keep you BLOCKED, held down in chains. When you look at fear in the face and clearly voice out "I choose LOVE" something magical will happen...God and the angels will guide you to a safer more peaceful place in your life that honors your truth. 
It took me several years before I finally faced fear in the face. I was at a point that the emptiness I felt deep within my soul was so unbearable that I just knew that there was more for me. Something inside me asked me a questioned "Nancy, do you love yourself enough to move out of this situation (fear)?"  As soon as I questioned myself,  my answer was "YES!"  I love myself, my imperfections, my way of being, my way of thinking. I love ME!  In 2012, I choose to release fear.  Releasing fear is a process that I work on every single day.  I write this to you today as a woman, whom continues to work on my self daily. When fears try to come and attack me, I look fear in the face and affirm I choose LOVE! I choose to speak my truth. I choose to live my life as an expression of divine light and love.  That is my intention and has been my intention since 2012. 
Sending you light and love with tons of magical Angel Blessings.


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