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Finding Gratitude in Stillness

Finding Gratitude in Stillness
Today is Day 14 in quarantine. As I shared before on March 20th, I was forced to stay home until this virus does it's course. Stillness. Quietness. Gratitude is something I vibrate each and every day. From big things to small things, I find something in each day that fills my being with the vibration of gratitude. Today as I was listening to this song called Songbird - it's an old song, it has been out since like 1998 but I hadn't heard it before. I was singing, dancing, and walking outside. Getting some sunshine. It was still. I could hear the birds chirping in between the start and ending of the song. 
As I was thinking of how grateful I am for I know everything works for my highest good. I felt an enormous heartfelt gratitude to God.  The thought came to me that this virus had been around for a while, some say it was around since November. And it hit me, I was like thank you God for allowing me to received an answered prayer. In December, I traveled to North Carolina and was at my only daughter's wedding. I was so grateful and lifted up my thoughts and words of gratitude to God. As I walked so many white butterflies kept flying around. I knew my angels were near. I knew they understood how grateful I was. 
There is always something to be grateful for in our lives. You must find those things in stillness. When you are still, you can tap into a deeper profound vibration of gratitude.  I share this because I wish to invite you to stop where you are and close your eyes and feel that loving energy of gratitude. Think of your love ones. Think of wonderful moments. That is finding gratitude in stillness. I am truly grateful. When I found out my daughter was engaged in 2019, my prayer was that I would be able to go to her wedding. God answer that prayer. I just needed to lift my prayer of gratitude up once again especially during this time. 
Wishing you a wonderful blessed weekend. 
Be Blessed
Stay Safe


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