Happy Full Moon in Cancer Lunar Eclipse
It's an amazing time for a wonderful shift. The energy is a bit intense. How do you move through these energetic shifts? Today I share what my soul has had me doing since last week.
As I was making this video early this morning. I had a visitor come out of no where.
A brown ibis came near. I honestly had never seen one of these birds in my yard. I knew spirit had a message for me. For us as a collective. Here is what I found.
The ibis is teaching one to trust our inner instinct. An ibis can show you the perfect timing and when to carry out task's. Sometimes a perfect timing is all we need in order to pass life with flying colors!
The Ibis is a master on the art of perfect timing.
It's message resonates with my being. I understand as we are moving through these energetic shifts, be mindful, allow spirit to teach you how to trust in your inner instinct and not on the chatter that we may have at times. Connect with Mother Earth. You are supported. You are guided. You are loved. You are protected. Hold this vibration so that you can pass life with flying colors just like the brown ibis.
Sending you light and love.
Sat Nam
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