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Alignment At It's Best

When you are in alignment the signs are everywhere.
I call it 
"Alignment At It's Best"
I was listening to this beautiful mantra today and happen to connect my wireless ear buds and as I sync my cell lit up at 1:11 PM on 1/11/2020.  The numbers are divine signs from my angelic spiritual team, this I know 100%. As always, I am grateful and thank my angels for this sign. Times are shifting. The planet is calling for oneness. We are one. The vibration must be that of LOVE.  Alignment at it's best is that feeling that you know you are completely guided, protected, supported, and loved. It's that inner gut feeling that even though there is so much going on around the world, because there is, you know deep within your soul that everything is working out for your highest and best good. You know God/Divine/Source/Angels/Universe is taking care of you. This is how I vibrate. 
The day was highly charged but I knew my spiritual team with with me as always.
Yesterday was the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and as I drove to The Mystical Moon in Fort Myers to host my monthly Crystal Bowls Meditation in front of me I was given confirmation of my alignment.  I will say it again.
"Alignment At It's Best"

This was the first sign on my way there.
This one was after my event.
Knowing the evening was a magical one. 
Receiving today's number sequence just confirms to me that there is a higher force the Almighty God the Creator of this AmAzing Universe protecting me.
We are always receiving confirmation of divine intervention in our life. Are you open to see them? 
Tomorrow there will be an amazing event in the astrological history. The grand awakening. I am prepared for this shift. 
Especially since it's part of alignment at it's best.
Sending light and love.
Sat Nam - Truth is my Essence.


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