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Signs from the Heavens

Everyday I am eternally grateful for the many signs the Angels send me from heaven.
I share an Angel Guidance Card of the Day daily on my Instagram and Facebook.  Each day I am open to see the signs from heaven.  The card of the day had such an important message regarding giving and receiving gifts. The fact that gifts can come energetically. I believe this 100%.....therefore today I meet someone whom's name was Gabriel.  Angel Sign 101 - Archangel Gabriel.  I immediately said "Oh, Gabriel, there is an Archangel named Gabriel"...he laughed and said yes. I get excited when I know I am getting signs/messages. I was signing him up for membership and asked for his address....and he said 222 and the address. I said "Oh, wow 222!"- I am a numbers kinda gal. 
Angel Sign 101 - Angel Number 222.  

Archangel Gabriel is the messenger of God.  The message was Angel Number 222
I know that God and the Angels are working behind the scenes. I know that I must TRUST in the Divine. 
My intention is to share my gifts with the world. I love when I feel it in my gut (intuition) that these messages I am receiving are from above. I love when my friends feel it too. 
When 2015 started, I analyze myself and my goals.  My spiritual growth was one of these goals.  I am only able to share my light with the world if I am aligned with the ONE. If I am open for my personal spiritual gifts to be received.  
If you are in a place in your life in which you are unsure of things. If you are depressed. If you need some coaching. I would love to talk to you. Lets connect for a complimentary consultation in which we can see if my services can assist you in moving forward in your life.
I have been in a place in which I was depressed, had little to no self-worth, and felt completely stuck.  I used amazing coaching tools to go from stuck to EMPOWERED! 
I want to help you.  Complete the contact me form with your information and in the comments section put "Complimentary Consultation" - I will contact you within 24 hours via email to set a time to chat.  
Sending Angel Blessings


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