On December 31, 2014, I set out some intentions. I prayed to God and my Angels for many things that I wish to manifest in 2015. I asked that anything and everything that did not serve me for my highest good be cleared and release. I did my ritual. I shredded paper. Events happened and I knew that Spirit had answered my prayer. My intention to manifest abundance and prosperity is so that I may serve without any limitations. By having more I can give more. That is how I began 2015. I use affirmations.. I meditate and pray.....asking God that the doors be open for my highest good. I know there is power with how you feel about money and how you speak about money. You must clear and remove blocks in order for it to manifest in your life. I have been working with the Law of Attraction since 2007. After watching "The Secret" and reading several books, I began putting it into practice. I know I had blocks that had to be cleared. And I have been w...