An Unexpected Experience
In January, I was in a accident. I was at a stand still waiting to make a left turn when I was slammed from behind. What an unexpected experience. Emotionally and physically causing a roll coaster ride within my being. I was an emotional mess. This experience was like nothing I had ever gone through. The hit was so hard that my 911 assistance in my Ford called for me. I literally felt my heart coming out of my chest from the impact. My car was a total lost. I could not understand how the 19 year old girl driving had not seen my turning signal and my brake lights since it was around 8:30 pm, yes it was dark out.
Needlessly to say, it took a beautiful soul (a friend) whom send me some ThetaHealing® that totally brought me back to balance. At the end, I had to allow this experience to teach me that there was still some deep healing that needed to occur within my being. My body, mind, and soul has gone through some transformational healing. At the end of the day, I allow God to show me the path to deep healing. The path to deep forgiveness. The path to deep understanding that everything even the hardest of moments are working for my highest and best good. Never complaining. Just understanding that healing and cleansing comes when it's most needed into my life. I am thankful that my body, mind, and soul is here to share the wonders of God's love. Even though I have gone through this unexpected experience, I will always be thankful! I will always vibrate in love and gratitude.
I had to say good bye to my little Ford. It took a beating. The hatch was smashed in really gratitude charm had snapped off the rope and was at the back. When I went to get my plate off the car that's when I found it.
I know I am always protected by my angels. Always. They are always with me. I have learn to understand that unexpected experiences are meant to show me where I need more growth.
Sat Nam
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