Choices. We've made bad ones. We've made good ones. I stated "we've" because I too have made bad and good choices. I have learned from those choices. I am about to share some important life journey lessons and how you can move forward living a happier more fulfilling life. The first thing you must recognize and accept are your choices. No matter how old you are once you become an adult - there is no one to blame but yourself. STOP blaming the life, your mom, your dad, your family etc. At some point in your life, you made life changing choices. I share this because of experience. When I was young I blamed others for my life. It wasn't until I began to grow and learn. I realized I (me, myself, & I) attract ALL the events that had happen to me. I choice this experience for a reason. I had to go through this for a purpose. Second, you must learn to forgive. Forgive everyone and most importantly forgive yourself. Once again, I share...