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When we think about being healed. You probably think about someone being sick  or ill. Granted many people have been sick or illness in which they were healed.  But there are times we must healed within our hearts and soul. I think once someone is healed from within, there is a change in their life that everyone else can notice.  Did you know that situations that you’ve been through could have caused you illness. For instance someone treats you bad. You may say that didn’t effect me but deep inside in your soul – it did cause you illness. If you don’t heal from this – you will be miserable for the rest of your life. I’ve learned  that you can’t change the things that have happen to you. But you have the choice to move on. Do not let those situations that have effect your life in a negative way to cause you illness that won’t allow you to be healed. To live a “Heal * Happy * Hopeful” life. 

So the next time you experience a bad (sick) experience in your life. Stop and think are you going to remain ill or are you going to let go, move on, 
and be healed!


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