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Ask and Receive

As I drove to work today with an attitude of gratitude. Feeling blessed. I asked  Archangel Raphael to send me a message for today.  What did I need to know.  As I am driving I noticed this car in front of me with this license plate.   As soon as I noticed the RF my thought was Raphael (Rafael) I said thank you.  I looked up the message for 22 ~ The angels can see the positive results of your prayers, and they  want you to have patience and stay optimistic while the final details are being worked out in Heaven. This is an urgent call from the angels to "KEEP the FAITH"!  

As I am driving still in a state of gratitude, I noticed a truck it was white and green - for me the green was Archangel Raphael's green ray of light and the telephone of the company ended with 999.  Okay, I continue on my way to work. I am still feeling my blessing and thanking God and the Angels for the blessings.  Along passed another car beside me with the license plate 999.  At this point, I can't contain myself overjoy with so much gratitude.  So I say to the Heavens above if my message is the 999, I will see it one more time. This is at 7:00AM  on my way to work.

As the day continued there was some tragic news in my family.  A death. 
I am filled with so much compassion that my heart ached so badly. I truly felt the pain my family member was going through in a way I have never felt before.  I cried.  
(You will soon know why I am sharing this with you)

Towards the end of my workday, I had to input a new customer's information in our system. As she told me her address, I did a double take by asking her did you say 9993 and she said yes. Once again 999 my request to see the numbers again.

The day ended and on my way home - I had plenty of time to meditate due to a traffic delay.  I am asking Archangel Raphael and God to help me be the Healer that I know I AM. To give me words for my family member whom has loss her love.  That although he is gone. His spirit lives with us. He is an angel now. I know that when angels are surrounding me I have felt their presence.   And I know they are always with us.    

As I am driving home, I recall a conversation I had with my cousin a few weeks prior and something inside me said I have to share the story.  Part of it is my story but part is was not so I called my cousin to ask her permission to write about it. 

Last month, during one of my meditation assignments, my intention was to send healing happiness energy to my cousin.  During this meditation I visualized her and prayed that she experience happiness in her life.   Two weekends later, I am with this cousin whom excitingly shares a dream she had....that she even wrote down a reminder to share the dream with me (see we don't see each other that often)  So she begins to share that she had a dream in which she and I are in a beautiful forest. She said it was so beautiful and that we were having so much fun. We were happy together there enjoying our company. In this dream she says she sees our aunt (whom is in heaven) but she says to me "Nancy, she was there I mean it was her".  She states I have had dreams before in which it's an image of our loved one but in this dream our aunt was there and we were happy. She tells my aunt Nancy has to see you...and they are running to catch up with me and my aunt says she has already seen me. She knows I am here.
So as my cousin is sharing this with me and I see her happiness.  I feel the presence of my aunt.  And I can see my cousin is receiving the same energy.  I share with my cousin those chills that you are feeling (her arms and my arms were full of chills) that is the presence of our aunt. She is with us.  I share with her that even though we have lost so many of our family members they are ALWAYS surrounding us - protecting us.     I knew I had to share this story for so many that loose a loved one.  Their spirit LIVES on.....they are angels surrounding and protecting you.  All you have to do is ask God /Angels to send you signs.

So as I continue my drive home ( a normal 1 hour drive took 2 1/2 hours ) I know I have to blog about this amazing "AHA" moment God has given me.

When I looked beside me I see this.......

Archangel Raphael was sending a message to me and it was loud and clear not once, not twice, but he was sending the message 999 so just in case I doubted it - he sent it four times.

Please if this blog-post has been a blessing to you.  Comment and share on....because more people need to know they are surrounded by angels.....and they too can ask & receive.


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