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An Act of Kindness

What is Kindness? Do you practice Kindness in your everyday life?  In the dictionary the meaning of Kindness is is the act or the state of being kind - —i.e. marked by goodness and charitable behavior.

The best portion of a good man's life - his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love. 
William Wordsworth

Something happen this week "an act of kindness" that brings me to share with you the importance for us to have kindness in our daily life.

A few days ago, there was a knock at my door. My dogs started barking. My kids questioned who was at the door. Like normal, I looked out the crack of the window to see who it was...I saw a small blue car at the entrance of my driveway and saw a man at the door. With my kids behind me and my dogs still barking, I opened the door and say "Yes, can I help you?". The gentlemen handed me a small bag, as it was placed in my hands it felt soft ( I couldn't imagine what was inside of it ) the gentlemen (which I don't know his name but had seen the car past by my home many times) said this is for the boy (my 13 yr old son) that is always shooting the hoops. I was surprised and as a surprised person wondering what is this man giving me for my son? As a mother a red light goes off. I said "My son, Jr"? I said "Thank You" (not knowing what was inside) and closed the door in front of me. I turned and handed the bag to my son. When he opened it the bag there was a new basketball net inside. My son's basketball hoop had been missing the net. And we hadn't gotten around to get a new one. If you have a family and your life is sometimes a little busy, little things like that don't take priority.  My husband soon came into the kitchen asking what had happened? I told him the story and everyone in our home was amazed at the fact that his man whom we still don't know his name was KIND enough to buy my son this net for NO REASON at all.
An act of KINDNESS is the title of this post and the reason I share this story is because an act so small and simple goes to show that there are still people out there that have KINDNESS in their hearts.
I come from the Chicago, a big city. The homes are close to one another, you know who lives next to you most of the time by name. I miss that. As a child growing up on Barry St, I still remember my neighbors. I remain friends with some of them too. So if it would have happen up north "a neighbor giving my son a net" well you'd be surprised and say how kind but you'd be that is my neighbor - I know them - they know us.
Well in the south, in Florida. Homes are not close to each other. Your lucky if you have a neighbor. You see cars go up and down the street. There may be some that wave "HI" and that is as "friendly" as you get here.
So this act was very thoughtful and desires to be shared because I don't know who this person is, and yes, I have seen the car go by and have remembered waving "HI" but that's about it.
I truly hope God blesses this person and his family. I get a warm feeling that if everyone shared a tiny little act of KINDNESS daily, we'd be a much happier WORLD.
So the next time you notice something and say to yourself - I could fulfilled that act of KINDNESS - go ahead and DO IT! You'll feel GREAT about it and the person(s) you touch will too!!
God Bless and remember an act of KINDNESS can and will CHANGE YOUR LIFE it did my family!!


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