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Showing posts from June, 2011

You're perfect just the way you are!

When we look at ourselves, we tend to see only what we think we need to improve or fix. Somehow, we push aside our many wonderful gifts and strengths and even wish we were more like someone else - someone "perfect". But there's no such thing! And why try to be someone else when you're already someone fabulous? I picked up a Woman's World magazine today which is one of my favorite. I read this little poem. I wanted to share it with you because sometimes we are victims of put-downs by other people that create those feelings that we are not perfect. Don't allow anyone to speak negative words to you or at you - put you down - there are people that do this and they call it "joke" - it's not a joke. If you start listening to those comments about you - and you listen to them - you start believing them - that is when this poem comes in  read it daily. Affirm that you are perfect, special, beautiful, worthy of greatness!!

An Act of Kindness

What is Kindness?  Do you practice Kindness in your everyday life?  In the dictionary the meaning of Kindness is is the act or the state of being kind - —i.e. marked by goodness and charitable behavior. The best portion of a good man's life - his little, nameless, unremembered acts of  kindness  and love.  William Wordsworth Something happen this week "an act of kindness" that brings me to share with you the importance for us to have kindness in our daily life. A few days ago, there was a knock at my door. My dogs started barking. My kids questioned who was at the door. Like normal, I looked out the crack of the window to see who it was...I saw a small blue car at the entrance of my driveway and saw a man at the door. With my kids behind me and my dogs still barking, I opened the door and say "Yes, can I help you?". The gentlemen handed me a small bag, as it was placed in my hands it felt soft ( I couldn't imagine what was inside of it ...