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Showing posts from February, 2020

Saturday 2/22/2020

This morning before I left for yoga. I looked up at the sky and saw the most beautiful sight. Today was a lovely day here in SWFL. It was perfect. As I drove to Our Yoga Place to take the Stretch and Restore yoga class.  I was at the light and the car in front of me on the other lane had a sign #222 - 2/22 how perfect.  I was sick last weekend so getting out was very refreshing. I needed the class to stretch my body and the restore portion was much needed....needless to say the class was just what the dr. ordered. I had to get a few things at Target and as I walked to the car. I spotted this. Angel Feather - a Divine Sign. Trust the process of your journey. The angels have been communicating with me. I am listening. I understand their guidance is meant to support me. Significant moments. Significant signs.   Be open to the signs you are always receiving. Trust your spiritual and personal journey. You are divinely supported. Sending light and love. ...

Rare Palindrome Day

How amazing this is the first time in 11 years there has been a date without the number 1 and the last "global" palindrome day for 101 years. Next one (12/12/2121) Trust that everything you're dreaming of and  more is on the way. Numbers 22, 222, & 2020 are your confirmations. Magical energetic shifts happening. Do you feel it? Resource: Instagram via @alex.myles