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As I sit here preparing mentally to share this blog with you my dear friends, the intention of awakening is to bring miraculous healing. At the end "awakening" does just allows us to recognize what triggers us so we can heal from all the junk that no longer serves us. It is a daily process of mindfully being in the present and doing the work. 
I have written other blogs about my personal experiences on awakening (spiritual awakening, ascension) and today spirit guided me to bring you this blog post. The intention is that it resonates with you in some sort of level and if it doesn't that is perfectly okay!
Yesterday, I was going healing work at The Mystical Moon Faire. My morning began quiet. As I held space for all the great readers that were among me. I held the intention that the great master Yoga Bhajan gave me "Don't go and get it. Be. Allow it to come to you" so I held space and the rest of the day was busy. I know my great work is supported. 
As I saw the clients that came through. I had one that asked me a questions. As a spiritual teacher/mentor, I am guided by spirit. I am here to share my knowledge and teach what I have learned. It may resonate with some and it may not resonated with others. I am fine with this as we all find our own teachers. The client had come before. This was her second healing session with me. So she asked me how do I handle the awakening and energetic downloads (spiritual awakening) symptoms?  As I sent her healing. I thought about it for a second and I knew exactly how I handle these portals of energetic shifts we are receiving.  First is honor where you are and honor yourself. You will feel it. You honor yourself by seeking ways to assist you with the process. Like scheduling a healing season, massage appointment, exercising, walking in nature, listening to brainwave theta music,  meditating, attending a crystal bowls (sound healing) meditation, doing yoga. There are so many ways to ground yourself to honor yourself. I provided an example.
I never get sick. My vibration is always on a high. So when I feel something coming on. I immediately know something is purging. I am shifting. I am peeling away layers that do not serve me. This happened to me exactly as the Lions Gate Portal opened. On July 19th, I had schedule myself a massage/hot stones appointment. Energetic shifts work in such amazing ways. Today I see it clearly. This massage moved energy in me that had to be released. As the following week, I began to feel something was coming on. I was all prepare to attend my friends Kundalini Yoga Workshop on July 25th, but spirit told me to unplug. I was in the process of purging.  Unplugging followed. I have listen to the voice of spirit in the past "Spiritual Maintenance" so I honored the voice and my being.  I unplugged and took care of my being. I limited my social media exposure. I allowed myself to BE still. Listening to your inner intuition is so important during the awakening process. Limiting the outside chatter is so important during the awakening process. Finding a teacher/healer/friend that you can talk to is so important during this process. The client told me these words. That she shared with me her journey because I was like minded. I am here to hold space. I am here to continue to ascend. To grow so I may help others. 
There are times when the awakening process is very challenging "Dark Night of the Soul" - I have been there. 
I have been on the spiritual awakening journey since 2007. It began with a question in my mind. I was going through a traumatic process (most awakenings begin with a traumatic event) I was in a relationship in which I was verbally and emotionally abused. I asked myself there has to be another way. I was tried of "pretending" to be happy. I felt alone. At that point my prayer/intention/mantra became "God Change Me" - I didn't want to live like this anymore. Once that became my intention. God cracked me open. The awakening began. I began to experience dreams that I would later understand it was my soul crying out for change in a deeper level.  I share this with you because maybe you are experiencing things that you can not pin point. No one understands you in your circle. I want you to know YOU are not alone. I am here to support you. 

Allow yourself to hold space for your transformation. Allow yourself to gain wisdom from past experiences. We are all here to be of service for others. We are all here to grow and share our knowledge. Have you ever been talking to someone and as the person is sharing with you their story - you think wow that happen to me. I know I have had those moments. The journey is wonderful. When we can heal something magical happens to our inner being. My purpose is to assist those that wish to transform and empower their lives. Will it happen overnight, heck no! It's a continuous process. I am here to be of service assisting you with tools to help you on your journey.  You are not alone. Planet Earth is awakening my loves. Some sooner, soon later, some were born "WOKE" - I would love to connect with you if you are ready to align with your heart center. 
Sending light and love.
Sat Nam
Truth is my Essence


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